Wednesday, June 1, 2016

SALE PENDING Meet Esther!  Esther was a sort of rescue project, and as such she is priced at a lower price than my usual custom dolls.  And I apologize in advance for the photos - I tried three cameras and because she is such a dark and shiny doll I had a lot of trouble with the light!  The camera could not adjust the dark with the light dress and the reflections were crazy!

 She began as a 1970's early Caleb.  The body on the doll was strung so tightly that it pulled in the neck so that it caved and also at the side.  I heated and reshaped and "froze" the body in place and after a few days restrung her loosely.  She isnt' so loose that she cant stand but she i is loose as to not put pressure around the neck.  It's been about a month since then, and the neck at the torso is still pulled in since vinyl has a "memory" but it is not terrible.  Her neck knob has a small ridge in it also from all those years of being in the same place as does her one arm.

But she is poseable, just not as "smooth" as a regular Sasha.  For some reason, the early black bodies tend to cave easier when strung tightly.

That being said, I couldn't just sell this doll for parts - I wanted to do an African American Sasha girl.  Her features have been boldly painted and she wears an old fashioned  dress by Diane's Delights with high boots on her feet.

Her wig is a Monique wig that is very kinky, and is in two braids.

She is a bargain doll at $250 since she was so much of a "rescue"!  I may be contacted here 

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